Sunday, December 17, 2006 pictures

Here are the pictures that I promised to post a while back. Just some random shots around the city that I am living in now. In other news, I will be leaving on Dec. 23 for Manila to spend Christmas and New Years with my dad. We may be spending a few days in Borocay if we are able to get hotel confirmations. Should be a lot of fun and i'll have my camera there to document everything :D

this is the playground of the apartments I live in, a couple of these kids are my students and I snapped it before they saw me and came running over.
at the local park...looks like a student studying in the background
ran in to these guys at the same park, they were filming for a school project
typical korean house architecture
lots of sidewalk shops around here
and people wonder why Asians live longer
view from the top of a local mountain

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Friday Night Fever

Life is pretty slow here in the countryside of Southern Korea. I was glad when my adult class students suggested that we meet up outside of class for my Friday night class. I volunteered to host the shin-dig and four of my six students showed up. We stopped by the supermarket beforehand and picked up a few items eg. soft drinks, snack food, fruit, cups etc., then it was off to my place. We all had a good time,ate some Korean-style food and fried chicken... and yes, it WAS finger-lickin' good!!

Here are a few pictures from earlier tonight. I've inserted the names into the first pic. The two ladies in the back are also teachers at the Math academy underneath my school. That school is also run by my boss. Jeong Ho works as a physical therapist (thanks for the tips on how to get rid of that pesky eye twitch), and Woo hyun is an explosives that job sounds like a blast, ha ha ha.

At first I wasn't sure how I was going to like teaching adult classes again. Although I've done it for many years in the past, the last two spent in Korea were strictly spent with children, and this job was suppossed to be as well. I have to say that it's actually quite nice to have them as they are all wonderful students and I like ending my Tuesdays and Fridays with them.

This is the spread BEFORE:
and AFTER:

I'm going to throw some random shots of the city I live in and other stuff. Things are really a lot different than they are back home. I like the excitement of being in a new country and city, but I also know that I'm missing out on a lot of things back home... like watching little Hannah and Erica grow up. :(

Here are the pics: (blogger given me problems at thr moment)

Saturday, December 02, 2006

It's raining lights

Heard some loud booms going off near my apartment an hour or so ago. Peeked my head out of my fifth-floor window and saw this:

I didn't have the best angle as a new building that is being constructed in front of my building blocked my view from the launching point but I still managed a few nice shots nevertheless. I'll have to find out what the occasion was back in the office on Monday.

It's getting pretty cold over here and I'm looking forward to spending Christmas and New Years with my pops in The Philippines, although I wish all the family could be together for it. Come to think of it, I can't remember the last time we all celebrated Christmas in the same's literally got to have been at least 12+ years.....DAMN!

**UPDATE** Found out that the fireworks were to celebrate the 1ooth year of a local school. I beleieve it was an elementary school. Thought I would pass it on.