Time flew by and it seemed that there was always something going on. I bought myself a metal detector and went treasure hunting in the backyard looking for the mother load...didn't find it! Also, as part of their present, I treated my siblings to a trip to Graceland in Tennessee. We had a sweeeeet time there and I think by the time we left, they were all a bit more interested in "The King" and his life. Highly Recommended!!
I'll try and prepare a couple of photos from that trip, as well as the rest of my trip to post on here. I haven't been updating this site quite as much as I would like...but a hell of a lot more often than a certain "friend" from Canada who seems to have fallen off the face of the earth. :O lol
Anyway, until my next update, i'll leave you with this funny little video.
Don't send a lame Holiday eCard. Try JibJab Sendables!
and here are some of the Graceland pics....enjoy