Thursday, November 15, 2007

Ahh...the joys of teaching

Date: today
Situation: kids class
Kids: two boys..two girls (twins)
Age: 5

As I'm giving the kids their stamps for being good at the end of class, I look over at one of the twins (who is just standing next to her little kinder-sized chair...frozen) to see her look down at a nice big puddle on the floor...she went wee-wee.


Unknown said...

Ah.... sounds like good times :P Other than cleaning up after your little tots, I can only assume everything is going well! Will try to talk to you soon!

Anonymous said...

wow 5 years old. that's a little old to be peepeeing in her pants! hannah would never do such a thing... hahaha ya right!

Damon said...

yeah...all fun n' games till someone pisses their pants!!! lol :P