Uni Life
So as I mentioned before, I was hired to teach at a University in South Korea back in April. Things were good and I really enjoyed the students I had. Buuuuuuuuuut~, yes, there's always a but. A week before I was to get my first pay check, some co-workers (Korean) told me their pay had just been delayed for a week by the boss without their approval. Hmm, that's not good me thinks, but I was reassured that I would not have the same thing happen to me. Weeelll~ to make a long story short, I worked for a total of 6 weeks and was paid for 4 before refusing to go back until receiving the rest...still haven't. : (
Back Home
I'm really glad I started looking for positions elsewhere when all of this started happening and I found a position back in Japan. I went home for a couple of weeks before heading over to Japan (where I am now). It was a short trip but good nontheless. Since I have some nieces and nephews, I've got to try and make it back more often.
I can't remember the last we were ALL in the same photo
You can see why BOTH Erica and Hanna consider ME their favorite relative.
For anyone who has made an internationl flight would agree with me that there is nothing "nice" about it. I left Baton Rouger at 6:05 am on Thursday, June 14th and was in for a loong~ trip. I accepted a position at a school in Nagano Japan. To explain it best, that's where the 1998 Winter Olympics were held. I arrived yesterday in Tokyo at about 1:10pm June, 14th and had to get a taxi ride of nearly 5 hours to get here. It was a very tiring couple of days to say the least. I was dropped off at the school and met some of the staff and other teachers, then was brought to my apartment. I'm still pretty tired and that's probably the reason for my bland writing, but i'll leave you with some pics I took today while exploring the area around my apartment. Enjoy... This is my apartment building...looking to the right....then the left....so exciting!! ;)
I live near a fairly large lake named Lake Suwa. Here are some pics from around there.
Oh, and did I mention..................................
this beautiful view of Mt. Fuji.
And these too......
Oh, and Jason really did win $400 in the casino in Jeju.....u happy now J-dog! lol
hahahah...Yeah Im happy now...glad to see you are settle in and I will have to send you an email to tell you about my last few weeks...cant blog about it just yet!
Good to see you made it safe and sound to Japan buddy. We are just sitting around, bored, on Jeju right now. Actually, it ain't that boring, but a lot of free time. Teaching Summer to drive is an interesting experience...o.O Your new area looks gorgeous, and that view of Fujisan looks beautiful! Glad you managed to get into such a great looking place!
Damon!! How are you?? I'm so glad u have been updating this site. It's awesome to see where you live and the things you do. Hannah is getting smarter by the day. She can sing some of her ABC's thanks to that gift you got her. I wish I would have had a chance to talk to you before you left, unfortunatley i left my phone on the charger that night so missed yalls call. Also, MOST IMPORTANTLY, I really wanted to thank you for that gift you hid in our suitcase!! That was so nice of u- you didn't have to!! Well we miss you!!! Keep in touch and stay safe. Love yah.
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