Sunday, July 01, 2007

Saturday and Matsumoto Castle

Yesterday I decided to borrow the company car and drive over to Matsumoto, a city about 33km away, to check out the famous castle there. From what I have read, it is the oldest original castle left in Japan and is designated a National Treasure (follow link for more info). I also wanted a chance to get out on the road and get a feel for the surrounding cities. It was a pretty nice drive and I only had to stop once for directions. I took a crapload of pictures and will spare everyone looking at them all.

having technical difficulties uploading pics...will get to it tomorrow perhaps along with the story of how I talked a used car saleman down from Y100,000 ($811.82) to Y70,000 ($568.27), with some help from an unlikely source.

Matsumoto pics:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice castle ~ can't wait for the pics... So what did you do the bargaining for? You didn't buy a car did you??