Monday, July 16, 2007

Well...good morning to you,too

I lazily got up this morning at around 10:15am and was greeted about ten minutes later with an earthquake that lasted for a good minute or so of shaking. I ran out of my living room sliding doors and was the ONLY person outside. I could hear the cheers of students at what was probably a local baseball game. Earthquakes are so common in this country, people don't even notice them anymore.....well, except for me.

*update* just had another tremor hit here at about 3:39pm (3 minutes ago). Not too big, though I still ran outside. :D

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I figured you'd be ok! LOL ~ you've felt them before there, right? Well, at least nothing terrible, like your school falling down, happened. We were supposed to be hit with a typhoon here last week, but it somehow missed us and gave us great weather instead :)